Digital Education
POEASE aims at developing 21 online modules for agricultural technical schools; these types of schools have been severely hit by the distance learning activities during COVID-19, due to the nature of their teaching. The 21 modules will prepare them for similar future challenges, by upskilling their digital skills and by making them aware of the importance of sustainability in agricultural activities.
Project Objectives

O1 – Analysis
Analysis of the framework for the ICT upskilling of teachers and trainers in ATVET with regard to Sustainability

O2 – O.E.R.
Design and Delivery of the O.E.R. of POEASE including the preparation of 21 training modules for an e-portfolio of OER for teachers & workers in Agriculture

O3 – Peer Learning
Design and delivery of peer learning strategy and material including the implementation of peer learning activities
Expected Results
21 New Learning Modules
21 new modules (At least 500 stakeholders should access them; at least 20 organizations should show interest); the modules will be available for free in 5 languages
Joint Staff Training
ATVET Staff Involvement
Minimum of 50 ATVET Teachers / Trainers are going to participate in the peer learning activities foreseen in the project;
Multiplier Events
At least 100 local and 5 foreign participants are going to be present in five Multiplier events with at least 10 EU Institutions being informed about the OER, through the strong outreach level
More employability due to upskilling (participants)
Digital Understanding
Better understanding of digital tools for designing and delivering online education (participating organizations);
More efficient collaboration among trainers (stakeholders) and organizations (participating organizations)
Local ATVET can make themselves known online, reaching a larger audience (local impact);
Strengthen networks and partnerships among ATVET (regional/national impact);
Who we are reaching out to
Target Groups
- ATVET providers, particularly the smaller ones (regional or local level) who are going to have access to state of the art and tailored e-training modules, that they would otherwise not be able to develop.
- ATVET teachers and trainers who are going to acquire better digital competences
- ATVET Tutors and career counsellors, who will have access to ready to use software and e-modules in the form of OER
- ATVET learners who are going to have a better learning experience in an e-environment.

The POEASE project is funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. This website and all its contents represent the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility. The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for the use that may be made of the information it contains.